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Laboratory Testing

Often laboratory tests are the fastest and most effective way to find the root causes of health problems. 

They can be used for assessing organ function (eg digestion efficiency, liver detoxification, thyroid function), gut dysbiosis, food allergy or intolerance, hormonal imbalances and nutritional status to name a few.

At Essentia we use the most advanced tests available on the market, and for some tests specimens are sent to labs in the United States for analysis. 

Click on  the following links to obtain details of the tests we offer:

Gastroinstestinal (digestive) tests
Allergy tests
Hormonal (endocrine) tests
Metabolic tests
Nutritional tests

To order tests, request further information or advice on which tests are appropriate for you, please contact Essentia Nutrition 


Gastrointestinal (digestive) tests

GI Effect Stool Profile - Complete Profile

stool sample


Essentia Nutrition uses state-of-the-art stool testing developed in the U.S.A. for the most accurate analysis available. Launched in the spring of 2007, the GI Effects use DNA analysis to identify gut microbes with 100% accuracy including anaerobes, a previously immeasurable area of the gut environment.

This comprehensive test assesses the widest range of intestinal conditions. It provides information on digestion, metabolism, absorption of nutrients, as well levels of beneficial and harmful bacteria, yeasts, and parasites (worms, eggs, larva and protozoa).  

GI Effect Stool Profile - Microbial Ecology Profile

stool sample



Microbial Ecology Profile

stool sample


A comprehensive assessment of beneficial and harmful gut bacteria, yeasts and parasites.

Intestinal Permeability Assessment



Increased permeability of the small intestine, commonly referred to as ‘leaky gut’, can lead to malabsorption of nutrients,  and an increased number of toxins and antigens entering circulation leading to  over-burdened immune and detoxification systems. This test directly measures the ability of two non-metabolised sugar molecules, mannitol and lactulose, to permeate the intestinal mucosa.

Candida Antibody Profile



This saliva test uses a very sensitive technique to measure levels of antibodies to Candida. It is used not only for detecting the presence of the infection but also as an indicator of the stage of the condition.

Coeliac (Gluten Sensitivity) Profile,



Identifies the level of antibody response to the protein gluten, which is found in wheat, rye and barley. Tests for IgA human tissue trans-glutaminase (IgA-tTG) and IgA antigliadin antibody (IgA-AGA)

Helicobacter Pylori breath test



H. pylori is the bacterium believed to cause gastritis and virtually all abdominal ulcers, apart from drug-induced forms. Requires 2 x breath samples at a 30 minute intervals following a 4 hour fast

Helicobacter Pylori Stool test



Stool testing is appropriate for both diagnosis and follow-up testing

Intestinal Permeability test



A urine test used to assess the permeability of the gut wall (leaky gut syndrome), which is associated with the development of food sensitivities and candida infections in addition to a build up of potentially damaging toxins

Candida Antibody Profile





Vaginosis Profile




Evaluates vaginal bacteria, yeast, cytolysis, leukocytes, RBCs and Trichomonas to identify imbalances that can lead to vaginitis.



Allergy tests

A food intolerance is an adverse reaction to a food or food ingredient which may manifest as a number of different reactions. These tests measure immune reactions to a number of different foods.

Foodprint IgG food intolerance tests  

finger prick
Foodprint Indicator £19.50
Foodprint 40+ £99
Foodprint 60+ £149
Foodprint 120+  £199
Foodprint 200+ £275
Foodprint Vegetarian  £149
Foodprint Vegan £149
Foodprint Herbs & Spices £99

Foodprint tests require only a small volume of blood which can be obtained by pricking a finger with a disposable lancet. The test does not require a venous blood sample taken by a medical professional. For most people, specimen collection can be carried out at home, perhaps with the aid of a friend. A simple kit is provided that contains all you need to take your own blood sample.




Measures a cascade of immune reactions to around 170 different foods, including common seasonings, colourings, additives and beverages.

FACT Dairy & Grains Profile



Measures sensitivities against all cow, sheep, goat and soya products, common grains and yeast. A marker called tissue transglutaminase (tTGA), which is highly specific at identifying untreated Coeliac disease, is also measured.

Comprehensive Food Allergy Profile



This profile consists of the full FACTest, IgE Food Allergy Panel and a marker called tissue transglutaminase (tTGA) which is highly specific at identifying untreated Coeliac Disease, is also measured.  



Hormonal (endocrone) tests

Adrenocortex Stress Profile                      



This saliva test can detect imbalances in the daily circadian secretions of the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA. Imbalances in these hormones can indicate an inappropriate response that can negatively impact energy levels, emotions, and many other health complaints. These include anxiety, chronic inflammatory conditions, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, depression, migraines, headaches, recurrent infections, menstrual difficulties and infertility.

Adrenal – Thyroid Profile

saliva, urine


Adrenal evaluation is commonly considered for patients with fatigue and a host of other complaints resulting from a history of chronic psychological or physiological stress. However adrenal evaluation is also vital for treating patients with hypothyroidism, due to the close interaction of these endocrinal systems. Urinary T3 levels are a sensitive measure of the active thyroid hormone which can give an accurate reflection of overall thyroid hormone levels. To help evaluate these intricately-linked areas, we have developed the Adrenal-Thyroid Profile. This consists of the Adrenal Stress Profile, (salivary cortisol and DHEA), as well as urinary T3 levels.

Total Thyroid Screen       



A comprehensive test to measure levels of all thyroid hormones to assess thyroid function, and auto antibodies for the early detection of thyroid disease. Known as the ‘unsuspected illness’, hypothyroidism accounts for a great number of complaints amongst children, adolescents and adults alike. The total thyroid screen serves as an initial investigation into suspected thyroid dysfunction, including central gland activity, possible secondary gland involvement, hormone secretion and peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. It will also highlight autoimmune responses such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Grave’s disease. These represent the most common autoimmune disorders, affecting women 10 times more frequently than men and increasing in incidence with age.

Reverse T3 



Under certain conditions, the conversion of T4 to T3 can be impaired, resulting in high levels of reverse t3 (rT3). Although chemically similar to T3, reverse T3 is completely inactive and lowers the amount of active thyroid hormone available to the cells. A selenium deficiency, excess physical, mental and environmental stresses can all inhibit the deiodinating enzyme which is responsible for this conversion. This can be termed 'sick euthyroid' or 'low T3 syndrome'. Reverse T3 can be included in the Total Thyroid Screen on request.

Rhythm (Female Hormone Profile)




1 Day Progesterone/Oestradiol




Menopause Profile



Although menopause is a normal part of a woman's maturation, many experience discomfort both during and after menopause. This profile combines 4 different tests in one: the 1-Day Progesterone/Oestrogen, Testosterone, Oestrogen Metabolism, and Osteoporosis Risk Assessment.

Bone Resorption Assay (Osteoporosis Risk Assessment)



Detects biochemical markers which reflect present remodelling activity

Male Hormone Plus




ADMA (Asymmetric Dimethylargine)






Metabolic tests

Liver Check

finger prick


LiverCheck is a home finger prick blood test that allows you to check the health of your liver. Alcohol, obesity, diabetes, hepatitis and drugs can all cause liver disease. By taking care of your liver you can prevent diseases which can develop as a result of these factors. Your results pack is posted to you within 10 days of order which includes:

  • Your laboratory results - which provide a unique colour coded LiverCheck score based on your liver's enzymes

  • Results guidebook – providing a detailed explanation of your results, plus general advice on the key risk factors affecting liver health

  • Lifestyle audit – which allows you to identify the risk factors that may be affecting your liver health

  • Lifestyle planner – which allows you to plan and monitor your goals


finger prick


A few drops of blood from a pin-prick is needed to measure homocysteine levels, which are implicated not only the risk for cardiovascular disease but also many other chronic diseases. Certain key nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and folic acid, are necessary for homocysteine metabolism.

The Homocysteine Test is also suitable for anyone that is concerned about their heart health. A recent review* of the research on homocysteine suggested that each 3 µmol/L point decrease in homocysteine levels might, on average reduce the risk of:

  • Heart attacks by 16%

  • Strokes by 24%

  • DVT (deep vein thrombosis) by 25%

Elevated levels of homocysteine, a reactive amino acid, are thought to play a role in the development of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, depression, problem pregnancies - the list goes on. Your Homocysteine level is linked to more than 100 serious medical conditions.

Many factors are thought to raise levels of homocysteine. Among them are poor diet, poor lifestyle especially smoking and high alcohol intake. As with cholesterol, family history and genetic make up can play a part in causing raised levels as can obesity and lack of exercise.

Chronic fatigue Screen

saliva, urine



Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment



A comprehensive evaluation of cardiovascular risk, measuring various important markers such as cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, coenzyme Q10 vitamins and minerals, as well as key inflammatory markers. This unique test combines both traditional and cutting-edge indicators of cardiovascular health that can often be with nutritional intervention.



Nutritional tests

Nutrient & Toxic Elements




Bloodspot Amino Acid Assay-11 

finger prick



Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile

finger prick



TRIAD Profile

urine, finger prick

























© 2006 Norma Bridge, Essentia Nutrition, 36 Chiltern Park, Thornbury, BS35 2HX, Tel: 07791 890 541,